Sometimes things are just so obvious
that we overlook their importance. Such has been the
case with posting our Jensen Steam Engine operating instructions on our
web site. We've heard those who suggested we add this
important information and we're glad you asked.
These printable pages contain the same information supplied
with each new Jensen Engine. You can print them out
using the provided "Print This Page" Button
or the File- Print function in your web browser. 
for Jensen's Dry Fuel Heated Models: 60, 65, 75, 76, 85, 85G
for Jensen's Electrically Heated Models: 5,
10, 20,
20G, 20R, 25, 25G, 30, 35, 40, 45, 55, 55G, 70, 70G
for Jensen's Electrically Heated 95G, Steam
Turbine Mini Power Plant
information is also applicable to our older "Out of Production"

